Woah, it has been awhile since our last post! Why you ask? Because we haven't written anything since the last one silly.
Well now, We suppose you want to be updated on what has happened since Thanksgiving.
The last One Gospel of 2010 happened on December 2nd, and it was a major win! The theme of the night was "I Am Yours," and there was an SPO One Gospel final exam, an epic talk, and a video made by your favorite team was made! Check it out!
On behalf of all of SPO, the creative team hopes you have had a great Advent season, and that you will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Be ready for the epicness that willl occur in 2011. I can feel the fire burning already, can you help fan it? (hint).
If you feel like doing something amazing, sign up for this. That is all we are going to say right now.