Sunday, October 31, 2010

One Gospel 10/28/10

In the words of his Kebeness, the One Gospel that took place on October 28th was a HOME RUN!!! Apples were bobbed, Jesus was praised, and Ryan O'Hara gave the most epic talk about community that the Earth has ever heard since its inception.  We (the creative team) made a video that relates community to having a band!  Can you name all of the movies parodied in this video???

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ryan O'Hara for President! One Gospel Oct. 28th 2010!

Ryan O'Hara was the first American Idol. It was season 0.

Ryan O'Hara can bench press 857 leprechauns. With his left hand.

Ryan O'Hara invented facebook

Ryan O'Hara drives a red corvette.

Ryan O'Hara wears Old Spice.

Ryan O'Hara was an Abercrombie model in college.

Ryan O'Hara has written 12 books.

Ryan O'Hara invented the flying car and then he ran it into a house. But then he got out of the car and rebuilt the house with his own hands. That house is the Vatican.

Ryan O'Hara found a word that rhymes with "orange"

Ryan O'Hara destroyed the One Ring to rule them all.

Ryan O'Hara likes puppies. =)

Ryan O'Hara is the phenomenal speaker that will be speaking at One Gospel this Thursday!

One Gospel is at 8:30pm on October 28th in the Ohio Union Great Hall Meeting Room 2!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

SPO Oct. 17- 23 Events!

This Thursday (Oct. 21) SPO is having the great MEN'S/WOMEN'S NIGHT.

What kind of MAN does it take to come to a men's night?  Well, I'll tell you.

Are you the kind of man who maintains a Grizzly Adams beard, or wishes that he could grow a Grizzly Adams beard?

Do you wear Old Spice?

Do you sky dive off mountains onto majestic whales and sail them into the crystal clear waters of Antarctica?

Do you  have two tickets to the gun show?

Do you get into philosophical debates about the various kinds of cheeses and their relevance to quantum mechanics?

Is your name Bernard?

Do you pull trucks and then run three miles?

Do you dance with wolves?

Do you wrestle with bears at night?

Do you chant "boys" whenever you win at something?

Do you have the innocence of a lamb, but the strength of a lion?

Do you chop down trees with toothpicks?

Do you like the smell of adventure?

Do you catch fresh water fish with your bare hands?

Do you like to show off your monocle smile?

Do you take a woman out on a night of sweet romance, AND call her back?

Do you drink tea?

Do you play with cute kittens?

Well, you are a man who should be at Men's Night.

What does it mean to be a woman?

Do you think men are silly for everything (but the last three questions) above? Or do you just ask why???

Then you should be at Women's night!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dinner Movie Discussion

This Thursday, October 14, is the first EVER dinner, movie, and discussion night brought to you by SPO.  There will be a dinner. A MOVIE. And then some discussion about the movie.  All genders welcome.  It will be at FORT ZION! (161 E Patterson Ave) starting at 6PM.  What will the movie be, you ask?  Well, here is a little taste of curry....

One Gospel 9/30/10

So, One Gospel (OG) is this amazing event put on by St. Paul's Outreach that goes down on Ohio State's campus.  The theme for year is Christian Identity. The theme for the night was "Who Am I?"  We, the creative team, had the priviledge to make a video for this first OG.  Here it is.

If you want to be a part of the next Creative Team video, email us at

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

St. Paul's Outreach Creative Team...Who are We?

Welcome to the SPOt, brought to you by your local Saint Paul's Outreach Creative Team. And by local, we mean THE Ohio State University, of course. We are the Creative Team, and this is our blog. This is where we will fill you in and keep you up to date with all that goes on within SPO on Ohio State's Campus throughout the year. We'll bring you videos, testimonies, previews and summaries of events. Be sure to stop by the SPOt regularly to check for updates of all that's happening on Ohio State's campus!